The " Seinfelt" cafe. :-)
The Rebel.
i am planning a trip to new york and trying to develop an itinerary.
t will be my first time.
what do you suggest i see?
The " Seinfelt" cafe. :-)
The Rebel.
i can't comment on this topic on either of my devices or multiple browsers.. so we're shutting down topics now are we?
i'm assuming you've disabled commenting due to your feeling that it's a troll.
On this site so many times people have exposed their virginity. Often teenage witnesses having to debate the existence of God with atheists. Most times more mature members offer support and kind words, even on occasion unintentially supporting the occasional " bullshitter".
Personally I would rather support 1000, bullshiters than let one genuine cry from the heart go unheard. Therefore on this occasion I think it was so wrong " shutting down a post" of such importance, and personally i hope it's restored.
The Rebel.
i don't usually anti-witness anymore, but being out of town and bored i went up and introduced myself to a couple of sisters " trolly witnessing" then a voice from behind me spoke " if you don't mind i think i was in front of you".
i stepped back, apologising as i did so, and decided to continue with my day.. anyway this trivial incident i post because it may be quite unique, i mean i really can't imagine anywhere else in the world where people are queing up to speak to these people manning " trolly carts" can you?.
and on the whole i think that's a good thing, even if he was ahead of me only to anti-witness?.
I should mention why I decided to give up anti-witnessing. I had ticked all the boxes to helping my friend see the light ( false prophecy, royal commission, proof that some of the elders in the congregation were complete and utter shits, only to receive the " I hope to make it through Armageddon reply". Let's cut the story short, the guy is once again back to being oblivious to reality, I was so close, yet unable to break his indoctrination.
I now believe he was paronoid, that he generally belived despite all I said,that I may someday return to the K.H. Then the paranoia set in, and he thinks our confidential discussions would be revealed to the elders. To complicate " anti witnessing" further I then realized his learning exsperience were complicated by his wife, kids, family, all being indoctrinated. I concluded my efforts were not needed.
This is why I have decided to stop anti-witnessing. I realize others who may want to leave may have too much to get slaughtered over. So if they have doubts they also need to work out a lot of personal shit also . The personal " shit" is the part of the journey you can't judge, and as for the other factual stuff, well they have to be blind not to spot it.
Yes life goes on, I occasionally see members of my former congregation in shopping centers, or they are putting the kids in to the back seat of a car, and inside I believe most of them have bottled it, they prefer the comfort to the truth. Who am I to expose the can of worms?
And SO but for " circumstances" could be me :-)
The Rebel.
i don't usually anti-witness anymore, but being out of town and bored i went up and introduced myself to a couple of sisters " trolly witnessing" then a voice from behind me spoke " if you don't mind i think i was in front of you".
i stepped back, apologising as i did so, and decided to continue with my day.. anyway this trivial incident i post because it may be quite unique, i mean i really can't imagine anywhere else in the world where people are queing up to speak to these people manning " trolly carts" can you?.
and on the whole i think that's a good thing, even if he was ahead of me only to anti-witness?.
I don't usually anti-witness anymore, but being out of town and bored I went up and introduced myself to a couple of sisters " Trolly Witnessing" then a voice from behind me spoke " if you don't mind I think I was in front of you". I stepped back, apologising as I did so, and decided to continue with my day.
Anyway I post this trivial incident because it may be quite unique, I mean I really can't imagine it happens often that people are queing up to speak to these people manning " Trolly carts" Can you?
The Rebel.
i hope everyone is having a good day/night.
so i was just reflecting on how happy i am to have my babies, despite the orgs.
not so subtle requests that married couples not have babies in order to further serve the org.
It always stuck me as the most heartless, un- compassionate request to ask a young couple they deny themselfs the opportunity of creating a family. Sadly unless you have experienced this wonderful, most meaningful pleasure you can never appreciate, the loss. It's unbelievable, having a child both the pleasure and worry. Oh the times my boy has had his operations, been put to sleep , fortunately for minor operations, but particularly when he was a baby, it always made me appreciate sitting by his side at a hospital bed when he woke up.
Yesterday the operation was a broken arm, some metal parts had to be put in, but they put him to sleep and it was that terrible hour while they operated that I had this terrible fear, and realized how lucky I am to have my boy. Sitting by his side as he awoke from the operation was the best feeling in the world. And his first words to me when he woke from the operation were " Hello Matey" ( a word often used by pirates to address friends)
Any organisation that encourages its members not to have a child is pure and simply evil.
The Rebel.
the universe can be observed to be expanding.. an expanding universe must have had a beginning.
whatever begins to exist had a cause.
therefore the universe had a cause.
Perry ( Q) " Anybody see another alternative?"
The Rebel ( A) YES, close the thread, it's a waste of time unless anyone can define the place of Molecular Biology in a clone community, how can we answer " time had to have acted upon our time space universe to exist" Perry clever questions don't make us the lucky winner of eternal life, otherwise the majority of Christians would be floating on clouds, and on earth the numbers would be escalating not declining.
Here is a more relevant question for a Christian, Why does God allow suffering, heartache and genocide?
The Rebel.
the universe can be observed to be expanding.. an expanding universe must have had a beginning.
whatever begins to exist had a cause.
therefore the universe had a cause.
Perry:- O.P " Belives about what caused the universe"
The Rebel (A) I think for many the answer is discovered by taking a lonely walk, or sat quietly in a room for an hour. Some I believe also find the answer in prayer, " I want to feel you God". For others they look for scientific proof. What one calls fantasy you correctly say is what another chooses to " believe".
So do I ridicule what you believe? Well I have enterd the debate, I have read your discussion, and I feel I have no questions to offer. It's all questions for atheists and questions for believers, however I am an athiest. What I will say is I do admire your courage to present what I see as pure fantasy, and yet you have the conviction to ignor the scientific facts, either that are you are a delusional mad man, which I know nothing could be further from the truth. Actually you may have to live the life of Job to change your mindset. I say that because when a person trusts in what they feel, and not what they should want to know life can be beautiful. You have a lovely family Perry I wish I could say with conviction " God bless you" but I can say with conviction your a lucky man.
The Rebel.
most of us are desperately waiting for the availability of a legal crisis of conscience.
deborah dykstra provided us with two updates.
on december 12, 2015 there was a clear statement about the copyright which stopped all illegal activity in spreading electronic versions & prints.. finally, she promised a new update by or before may 6.. so far no new update.
I am going to be shot down in flames here, but many other than Ray Franz have dared expose the watchtower. And my point is personally, many here have faced greater challenges leaving, and may I say shown at worst equal strength of character. So in my humble opinion the book served a purpose when we had scanty information on the watchtower. However we now have much more graphic and detailed factual stories of the monster the watchtower is, and surely seeing Geoffrey Jackson testifying at the royal commission is a more relevant and modern day summarrassion of the working of the G.B.
I apologize if my comments appear insensitive, but I personally think Ray would also say, let's not hunger and thirst for what happened 30 years ago, the sins of this organisation have become 10 fold worse, and the Internet has taken away the mysterious power that made my book so important.
The Rebel.
the new awake is up on jw.orgwith the legalization of gay marriage in many countries, they decided it was time to show: "what does thebible say about homosexuality?
"does the bible promote prejudice?still, some people would say that the bible promotes prejudice against homosexuals and that those who adhere to itsmoral code are intolerant.
‘the bible was written at a time when people were narrow-minded,’ they claim.
Maybe a % of American / English evangelicals and 1.6 Muslims do indeed say otherwise, but isn't it marvelous that numbers and statistics can change. If I were to speculate, I think more and more " church" members and " Muslims" PERSONALLY do not think as the religion dictates.
Where the hell were tolerant people in the U.K re homosexuality in the 1960s? And where were Leicester City football club?
Now in 2016 Leicester city has won the English football league,which was impossible before the season started. However the desire of the players made it happen. And this is my theory, the way homosexuals are victoried by governments, and religious organisations based on prejudice from a past religious " authority" is now over two thousand years old.
So I say a high % of both the younger generation of Christians and Muslims in England won't tolerat this. I say this because the trend has been challenged, minds have been opened. Why do I feel so positive about this? Well I believe we will soon have for the first time Muslim footballers making it in the English football league. How can this happen? I believe it will happen because Muslim culture in the U.K is more intergrated and society more open,therefore tolerance of conditiond religiose thinking less tolerated.
Ok what I say seems silly, but I believe the power of religion to judge a person by sexuality in the U.K has weakened. This is the only positive I have of my favorite sport " football" which is now sadly not a sport but a business in the U.K. Because in my opinion what will take power over religion is " as bad" the power of gambling, Every advertisement is about betting and every loser the " Muslim" or " Christian" that falls for this " new religion. Yes the world is a big place,MONEY is what rules it. Religion has lost that power, big business and gambling don't give a shit about sexuality.
This is my vision for the future in the U.K, ethics and morals right or wrong have no meaning, but " you bet . Com" is the new God.
The Rebel.
my wife is having her first birthday party in july, and we're looking for a place to hold it.
we found an episcopal church online that offered their fellowship hall for such occasions, and we went to check it out this morning.
when we arrived they were having something in the hall and were setting up for it.
Why do we celebrate a birthday?
I celebrate my birthday and each family members birthday because we are here to celebrate another year. Many are not so lucky to be able to celebrate the next birthday. That's why I celebrate a birthday, and it has nothing to do with pride.
The Rebel.